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Complaint and Feedback Reporting Mechanism

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of target schools with an established mechanism for reporting a violation of the Teacher's Code of Conduct
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of target schools with an established mechanism for reporting a violation of the Teacher's Code of Conduct

French: nombre ou % d'écoles cibles ayant un mécanisme établi pour signaler une violation du Code de Conduite de l'Enseignant

Portuguese: número ou % de escolas-alvo com um mecanismo estabelecido para reportar violações ao Código de Conduta dos Professores

Czech: počet nebo % podpořených škol, které mají systém pro oznamování případů porušení Kodexu učitele

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the proportion of schools that have a clearly described and functioning complaint and feedback reporting mechanism that is well promoted among all stakeholders, i.e. students, teachers, other school staff, school administrators, parents, community members and education authorities.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define the main features of an effective mechanism for providing complaints and feedback. Set the minimum number of the mechanism's features a school needs to meet in order to be considered as having "an established mechanism for reporting a violation of the Teacher's Code of Conduct".


2) Conduct interviews with key informants (such as teachers, school management, parents, children), assessing whether the target schools meet the minimum number of the mechanism's features. Examples of relevant questions include:

  > Is there any complaint mechanism in the school for reporting cases of breaches of the teacher's Code of Conduct or other child protection issues?

  > If yes, what cases should be reported? What is the reporting procedure? To whom do you report? Who should report?


3) To calculate the indicator's value, count the number of schools having an established mechanism for reporting a violation of the Teacher's Code of Conduct and divide it by the total number of assessed schools. Multiply the number by 100 to convert it to a percentage. 

Important Comments

1) Teacher’s code of conduct is a statement of principles, rules and values that establishes a set of expectations and standards for how individuals in a school will behave ethically, including minimal levels of compliance and disciplinary actions (see example below). The code of conduct should always be contextualized to the local situation.

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