Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) Define the services your survey is interested in (focus on the most common services which should be used by a vast majority of people, such as medical check-ups).
2) Conduct interviews with a representative sample of the vulnerable group members, asking:
Q1: I would like to understand your perception of how easy or difficult it is to access [specify the service]. Can you provide a score where 1 means that you have no access to [specify the service] and 5 means that it is no problem for you to access [specify the service]?
A1: …… (score)
The data collector should check whether the respondent understood the system correctly. For example, if score “1” was provided, s/he can ask: “Does it mean that you cannot access [specify the service] at all?
Repeat the question for all other services your survey focuses on.
3) Calculate the indicator’s value by summing up all scores and dividing them by the number of respondents.